Wednesday, July 2, 2014

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Paused, Li said: Shanghai, Guangdong, which are high, Nanjing how only two million ! Reference agency in Nanjing, Zheng algae such as on a stomach gas, he grimaced and said: Marshal, Nanjing was the first to sell out, there is a fat merchant directly thrown two million, at the scene merchant did not think someone would look at such a high price, nobody to compete, only to fat two million succeeded ! What is the name this fat, very mind ah. Zheng algae such as opening and said: Commander, fat brains indeed, there are a small smart, but people are ready this sleight of hand tricks, business people have to prepare for the money, he left to fight IOUs fake ray ban sunglasses said to owe ray ban outlet town Southern Palace of money, while operating side of the debt, Marshal you say this okay !

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During this period,ray ban outlet, Li besides eat and drink Lazard, has been to stay in the room to do the things matches, matches are making a series of processes Li personally check, General Tso 's just an odd jobs, only to Li along the way. Tso Li made ​​out of watching matches, I find surprising. Study, the Li looked placed in front of a matchbox, and resting on the side of the bundle has finished drying matches sticks, filled with accomplishments dare think this thing is easy, but the real operate, but it is a waste of effort of bother, Li said excitedly : high season brother, the outcome can try it!

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