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Number of wedding dishes are usually eight dishes symbolize wealth,sunglasses online, a symbol of perfect dish to ten to twelve month dish symbolizes happiness. Jiangnan region is like the 88 big popular meal is served by the eight seats cold dishes, eight hot dishes. And weddings are usually multi- day election at the eighth lunar bimonthly, eighteen, 28, a dark button quest, leave the eight, eight plus eight, another auspicious meaning. Named auspicious dishes should try to use the term in the hands of good wishes for the couple, guests from the psychological pleasure, heighten the atmosphere.

Erlongxizhu relatively taboo dishes named a dragon column,Oakley uk, two phoenix sun with the names similar. Twelve month course has not only the meaning of happiness, but also contains Double Six of the mean, and the fat menu is given every table has twelve dishes. Imperial Tim festive red robe which has, in fact, suckling pig platter ; cheap oakley sunglasses had duck emerald gold belt, this is a garlic steamed lobster ; beautiful flowers wishful ball, apricot mushroom with abalone shell ; dragon fly wings sky is the original cup stewed chicken wings ; Yao Chi yu woman on abalone, abalone coral flowers ; Bibo CUT affection long, steamed grouper ; Star Jinsha full Yokado, a mushroom and tender lamb chops ; wishful cup Shiquan virtues, is the North stew Maw mushroom ; awarded providential Kirin is fresh lily asparagus ; centuries Want You celebrate good together, are scallops taro cake ; darling forever Qi concentric, curry bean paste cakes ; Swiss fruit and Phoenix Carnival is the season of fresh fruit.


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