Monday, March 10, 2014 coach usa qdei

Shi Jun Menheng soon. A move backstroke, the direction of the hands of the Eater stick shoved toward the station behind Ashbringer striking. Eater rods and long sickle heavy hit together. Violent shock wave energy immediately to Eater rods and long sickle impact at the center, toward all directions to spread. Just a moment, not only is nike air max around the ground, a shock is hard to determine the depth of the rift numerous road to. Shi Jun and will also Ashbringer, shock gave out a few steps. Some mistakenly broke into energy shock waves tellin soldier within range, it is because of this strong could not withstand violent energy fluctuations, and instantly shook the bones of the body Cunduan chances are not even hum, it fell to the a pool of blood.

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