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Let Cao Cao was restless that Riboud sent General Zhang Liao Xi Qu Kei off the fort, although this off just less than a mile long, but extremely dangerous potential enemy, located in a natural division Hadong County wangwu mountains and Hanoi, Riboud was this off, Wangwushan ready Huibing crossed into Hanoi, and then crossed the Yellow River, you can almost equal to Luoyang. Meet co- emperor Liu Cao immediately, with words Yang Feng guilt and expressed its readiness to send troops to the military offensive against Liang County. Although the Association of Yang Feng Liu et al escorting behavior quite a sense of jī, tory burch bags but this moment was the moment to stand cheap toms but dignified hand heavily front of Yanzhou, animal husbandry,, the last time has been blocked again, this time it is re- did not dare to stop it.

Cao also rude,toms, they took the edict issued a military order, sent General Cao Ren, Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Dun, Cao led a million people each horse, broken down into smaller four- county crusade to Liang Yang Feng. March first year of Jian, Cao Cao sent four army defeated Yang Feng county in the beam, Hu Cai, Han Siem, who was defeated and fled south coalition Zhang Yang, defected to Yuan Shu went. Meanwhile, Cao Cao led a five thousand troops, escorted the Emperor Liu Xie, V Queen, royal family and other directors and officers as well as elegant towards Ting Baiguan and families who finally arrived purposes promise County.

After stepping up construction around the clock,toms outlet, although still significant shabby, but already moved to live. Compared Luoyang palace dilapidated, or slightly better, which makes the heart Liu Xie also settled a bit. Emperor Liu Hui County Association officially announced relocation of the capital, promises to change the county are named after Xu, Cao put a full set of institutions themselves have moved over Fuchu. Xu county at this time, and both the palace where, but also the various offices of the resident court, people to drive to, already overcrowded. Cao Cao then collect artisans, the original promise County, as the inner city, relying on the city began building outside the city, an area five times larger than the full inner city.


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